welcome. more soon. in the meantime
Solo Quest: Nagisa-chan "Shot!" <GESTURES #5>
To claim - send 22x bird site, 9x mel, 2x Gunslinger to the vault (0xf045d8Da8596f9a8446c104FC8D77BF7b40055dA) No parties allowed. (note, I will never DM you first. I will never ask you to send eth. I will never ask you to download a file. I will never solicit you for anything. Will require proofs of send.)
*send any combination of 5 "bird site" stamps, rwx stamps, or rwexes to 0xf045d8Da8596f9a8446c104FC8D77BF7b40055dA
Receive a Bubble'd portrait. (please send reference to @rwx#0010: note, I will never DM you first. I will never ask you to send eth. I will never ask you to download a file. I will never solicit you for anything. Will require proofs of send.)
*send any combination of 10 "bird site" stamps, rwx stamps, or rwexes to 0xf045d8Da8596f9a8446c104FC8D77BF7b40055dA
Receive a Foundation Collection portrait. (please send reference to @rwx#0010: note, I will never DM you first. I will never ask you to send eth. I will never ask you to download a file. I will never solicit you for anything. Will require proofs of send.)
*send any combination of 100 "bird site" stamps, rwx stamps, or rwexes to 0xf045d8Da8596f9a8446c104FC8D77BF7b40055dA
Receive any piece from RWX's collection. (note, I will never DM you first. I will never ask you to send eth. I will never ask you to download a file. I will never solicit you for anything. Will require proofs of send.)
*send 15x any combo of bird site and/or "mel stamps" to 0xf045d8Da8596f9a8446c104FC8D77BF7b40055dA
Claim an NFT from the vault/discard pile (excludes redemption of RWX quest NFTs, excludes redemption of Naoki Saito NFT) (LINK TO VAULT/DISCARD) . (note, I will never DM you first. I will never ask you to send eth. I will never ask you to download a file. I will never solicit you for anything. Will require proofs of send.)
*send 2 "mel stamps" to 0xf045d8Da8596f9a8446c104FC8D77BF7b40055dA
Receive any stamp from RWX's stamp book. (note, I will never DM you first. I will never ask you to send eth. I will never ask you to download a file. I will never solicit you for anything. Will require proofs of send.)
*send 1 "Knight's Talisman" to 0xf045d8Da8596f9a8446c104FC8D77BF7b40055dA
Protect 1 asset from being claimed by anyone but you for 30 days.
Bid stamp rules:
In the future... Event game for bidding for special artifacts and artwork. Require 1x "bird site" stamp per bid. Full mechanics will be released on launch.
*send 25x any combo of bird site and/or "mel stamps" to 0xf045d8Da8596f9a8446c104FC8D77BF7b40055dA
Receive a Curio Card #29 (Only 3 available) Yellow . (note, I will never DM you first. I will never ask you to send eth. I will never ask you to download a file. I will never solicit you for anything. Will require proofs of send.)